The Regional Water Cooperative of Pierce County Benefits everyone:
We work to find and implement solutions to water resource problems on behalf of our members and all water utility customers in Pierce County.

​Communications/Social Committee
This Committee manages the website, member applications and information, membership roster, and information notebooks, printed outreach materials (folders, brochures, etc.), wages and benefits comparison, insurance, joint training/education, newsletter, social events, and awards.
Chair: Jasmyn Sisco
Meeting days/Times: 4th Thursday @ 9:00 a.m., via Teams.
Emergency Management Committee
This Committee manages Emergency management, emergency preparedness, and mutual aid. This committee maintains a database of materials, equipment, and personnel that may be available to aid other systems during an event or an emergency.
Chair: Dan Sleeth
Equipment/Resource Sharing Committee
This Committee Manages Joint purchasing, leak detection equipment and contracts, hydro excavation contracts, sample stations, reservoir cleaning contact, engineering services, hydrogeologic services, joint training, and mutual aid.
Chair: Ed Jidas
Meeting days/times: 3rd or 4th Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.; meetings are held at Fruitland Mutual Water Co., Firgrove Mutual Water Co., or Mt. View Edgewood Water Co.
Executive Committee
This Committee manages Employees, membership, budgets, dues policy, real property, committees, and other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Chair: Larry Jones
Legislative Committee
This Committee manages the legislative agenda, bill development and response, legislator education, lobbying, coalition building, and evaluation/response to local, state, and federal regulations.
Chair: Jeff Johnson
Technical Committee
This Committee manages Best management practices, policies, lease documents, regulations, compliance strategies, treatment analysis, and emergency procedures.
Chair: Ben Lee
Water Quality Committee
This Committee manages Water Quality and sampling, fluoride, regulation, compliance strategies, best management practices, and technical staff.
Chair: Craig Downs​​